The New Hope Baptist Church Youth did VBS for three days during the construction of the house. The last three days different ones walked to the church to share the gospel with the children. The first day they had 96 children who made Noah's Ark and learn about Noah and is commitment and obedience to God. The second ay their numbers dropped because of a school schedule and the children learned about the lost sheep. All the children glued cotton to a lost sheep and went home happy. On the last day majority of the team was able to go to VBS and help the children make crosses and learned about the plan of salvation for their lives. The young people learned quickly a lot of their new friends knew exactly who Jesus was by their letters they received from a few of the children. The Honduran children thanked them for coming and spending time with them and how they will have jewels on their crown in Heaven one day. The Honduran children are grateful for what the New Hope Baptist Church Youth did for them this week.

If you are reading this today and you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior please do not let this day pass you by before your make the most important decision of your life, Jesus. He is the only way into Heaven to be with our God who created us. We discussed and learned this week we were all created by God but we are not all God's children. John 1:12 shares this important information with us. The only way to be a child of God is to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
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