The church service started with Pastor Iinocento introducing is new found brothers and sisters in Christ to the church congregation. He also welcomed all visitors to the church as well. There was well over 100 people worshiping together as one Sunday morning. Igleisa y Vive en la Colonia Jerusalen Ciudad Nueva Choluteca is a strong church family with people who care for one another and who come together to truly praise and worship the Lord. Carol shared how all ages sang unto the Lord with meaning. They were excited to be in house of the Lord. Pastor John shared how a very young man was playing the piano. They start their children very young in helping with the leading and praising in worship services. Pastor Iinocento is a strong leader for his flock and it was evident the entire week the team worked and worshiped beside them.
Charles shared his life's personal testimony. He shared how God became his Lord and Savior. Charles works independently so when he gets to come to Honduras he truly sacrifices closing down his business and trusting God will meet all his needs. Thank you Charles for your willingness to come to Honduras and bless others and then in turn receive more blessings. Charles sets the example of a godly husband and father to his family by bringing them with him to Honduras. God is good and faithful to us when we trust Him with our lives totally.
Pastor John proceeded Charles with a sermon out of John 8:1-11. Our congregations are similar and not similar. All of you come towards the front of the church to find a seat, but in the states all the people find seats at the back of the church. But we are all worshiping in the same. God. The woman in this passage was brought before the church as an adulteress. She was being condemned by the Pharisees as a sinner. Jesus asked each one of them you who have not sin pass the first stone. Of course no one got up to throw a stone, because we are all sinners saved by God's grace.
We as Christians always beat ourselves up because we are not worthy of God's love. People will always try to beat us up as well. Pastor John raised the question "What happens in churches when people beat each other up?" Sin in churches and in our lives separates us from God. When we see someone in a situation similar to the lady who was brought before Jesus to be condemned, it could have been us. We are all sinners and have been condemned at one point or another by another person but it is up to us to overcome these condemnations by coming to Jesus. Let Jesus carry our burdens and our sin. He died for our sins. He freed us from the bondage of our sins. We are free in Christ Jesus. By the power of Jesus Christ out of Philippians 4:13, "We can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives us the strength."

While Pastor John was sharing his sermon Carol and Justin did Sunday School with the Sunday School teachers and Pastor Iioncento. Carol shared how the male Sunday School teacher shared with the children several words and then left and came back with Pastor Iioncento. Pastor Iioncento shared the story of "Jonah and the Whale" with the children in a single drama form. He moved chairs and tables as if they were in the ocean with Jonah. Carol shared how the children's eyes were huge as he made this bible story come to life for this sweet little ones. Carol and Justin then took a classroom and colored pictures with the children. As they left Sunday School they received a craft for them to take home and play with. The team always brings solo cups and pokes a hole in the cup and pulls string through the cup with a ball on the end. The object is to put the ball inside of the cup. this was a beautiful ending to a beautiful week with their new friends in Christ. Thank you Justin for assisting Carol during Sunday School.
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