Monday, May 4, 2015

Daniel and the Lion's Den

This is one of the most favorite parts of the week for Antioch Baptist Church, the children.  As the children came down the dusty roads you could hear singing inside the church.  Maida was leading the children in some of their favorite "Jesus" music.  They slowly continued coming.  About twenty minutes into the singing they decided to share their puppet show.  This got every one's attention.  The children's laughter and gazed attention was priceless.  Thanks team for making VBS so special for this group of children in Pavana.  After the skit Raymond led the children into the bible story.  Raymond told this story from his heart and it was well received by all.  The emotions he put into his story of Daniel and the many different props he used was excellent.  He would have the children pray every time they heard Daniel.  He had one youngster come up and imitate the noise a lion makes for the crowd.  The interaction with his congregation was perfectly done.  After his story the group broke up into two groups.  One group went to the soccer field and the other stayed behind at the church to make their lion puppet.  After it was all said and done about 75 children and parents enjoyed learning more about Daniel and the Lions Den.  Daniel was a brave young man who had a lot of faith in God who protected his life. 
So the king gave the order, and they brought Daniel and threw him into the lions' den. The king said to Daniel, "May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you!"
Daniel 6:16

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