Monday, May 25, 2015

Day Three Floor Two

The North American Dorm floor #  1 which will be where the ladies will reside was finished in tow days.  Mike and I were anticapting this side to be completed in five days.  These young people took what their pastor shared the first night to heart as well as what they shared about being imitators of God through Jesus Christ which empowers us all who are Christians with the Holy Spirit.  Praise be to God for all the perservernce, the unity and let's not leave out all the sweating which took place to get this job done in two days.

So they continued to prepare for the North American Dorm floor #2 where the gentlemen will reside one day.  The young men prepped the floor as the ladies were outside getting the concrete prepared to be laid.  Yes I said the ladies.  There was not a job this week too big for any one on this team.  They all pitched in and did what it took to complete the task given them by God.

They raised up each day like a ray of sunshine ready to serve the Lord.  They started each day with prayer at the mission house twice once at breakfast and once in the court yard before departing.  Once upon arrival to Mt. Horeb they formed a circle of prayer for their day ahead.  God answered so many prayers this week. We were blessed with everyone staying hydrated thanks to Mrs. Karen, no one got seriously hurt, only a couple of scraps and a bunch of blisters and everyone was blessed from every ache and pain their bodies endured.  As you can see above side one is completed and side two is ready to begin.  To God be the glory.
Michael's devotion was all about this week.  When we let God take us as we are to mold us in who He wants us to be, HE can do mighty things in all of us.  We are sinners saved by God's grace.  Everyone of these young people came into an uneasy situation this past week.  Many of them did work they had not ever done before.  But they allowed God to take them as they were and molded them into amazing children of God who did what HE had called them to do.  It is all about being selfless which keeps us focused on HIM and not the things of the world.  These young people became selfless this week and left the world behind for eight days and allowed God to work in each of their lives.  Well done good and faithful servants.
As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector's booth. "Follow me," he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.
Matthew 9:9

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