Monday, May 4, 2015

Joining Two Languages with One God

The team enters the church for the first time they were greeted with hugs and huge welcomes from the church family. There was a huge welcoming sign on the curtain at the front of the church.  The sign said: Welcome the Evangelism Team, Jesus is Alive. April 28, 2015.  What a heart felt welcoming to a strange place especially for our five new friends. The team waited a while for some of the church members to arrive but they slowly got there and all got acquainted.   One new team member, Janelle, came with a huge tool for evangelism.  She can speak Spanish.  Janelle and Raymond, also a first timer, were talking and sharing about themselves with many church members.  I stood back and watch Janelle's beautiful gift from God, Spanish, radiate the church building.  She would spend ample time talking to each one getting to know them and assisting in breaking the language barrier for the team.  The translators were also there assisting Janelle in greeting the people of Emanuel Baptist Church.   
As everyone arrived we gathered together for each group to introduce their people..  Pastor Joey and Pastor David, of Emanuel Baptist, placed their people together and then prayed for the morning ahead.
The four teams dispersed out onto the streets of Pavana going in four different directions to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The team had their bibles, their hygiene kits, their water bottles, their umbrellas and most of all Jesus Christ by their side.  They were all covered in prayer for the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Let the journey begin of reaching the lost and unchurched to Christ.
Kim a first time had the devotional for the first night out of Second Corinthians 2:9. What an appropriate scripture passage after their first day of sharing the gospel.  Kim shared we are weak and inadequate without the help of God through the Holy Spirit.  She shared public speaking has got me out of my comfort zone.  So I know right now God is speaking through me and He did today as well as I was out there in a strange community not able to speak the language but God used the weakness in me to make me powerful in HIM. 
Some God moments from the first day:
Michael, a new team member shared how they shared the gospel with a young lady and she would not receive Christ as her Lord and Savior.  But her curiosity led her to come on to VBS in the afternoon to hear more about this Jesus they shared with her earlier in the day.  She did ask the team, "Why are church members so mean?"  Mark shared we are not perfect, but when we receive Christ we are saved by HIS grace and made perfect in HIM. 
Tammy shared a story of God having her in the right home at the right time.  This lady's husband had died three months early, as so had Tammy's father.  Tammy felt a huge urge to just go and put her arm around this lady as she grieved for her husband.  Tammy shared she needed to get back in church with her church family and allow them to assist her through this time.  This single mom with two children is a Christian but a tragedy in her life led her away from the Lord and her church family.  God placed Tammy and her team members there this hot Honduras day for this specific reason.
Garry's team visited a lady who knew her bible but did not have the heart knowledge of Jesus Christ.  She came to VBS that afternoon to hear more about Jesus and His love for her.
Leigh, a new team member shared a visit with a brother and sister who did not believe.  The brother, age 23, was a thinker more than one who feels with his heart.  The sister was not interested at all.  Pastor Joey hit a nerve with a  connecting factor with the brother.  The brother loved futbol.  Pastor Joey asked him to come up that afternoon to help him with the futbol game.  Pastor Joey continued talking to him and recognized the young man's leadership capability.  Pastor Joey told him he needed to be the role model for the younger boys in his community.  Leigh shared how she could see the walls breaking down in the young man's body language.  There appeared moisture in his eyes as Pastor Joey continue sharing the gospel with him.  As I continue this God moment, Pastor Joey saw his two new team members Leigh and his sister, Kim conquering many fears at this young man's house. 
This team's first day was an opportunity to allow God's strength and Holy Spirit work through them as they hit many obstacles along the way.  Each group had their Armor of God on and was prepared for whatever came their way.  What I appreciate about this team and how they share the gospel.  They share what God has laid on their heart to share and if the people do not receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, they share with them, "You have heard and now you are responsible to God with how you respond."  We are all accountable one day to God when we appear before HIM and I pray for each of you reading this Jesus will not say, "I do not know you."  The gift of eternal life is the most important decision anyone will ever make in their lives.  I pray for all those who are lost and do not have the most precious gift of all: JESUS CHRIST WHICH LEADS TO ETERNAL LIFE.

Another reason I wrote you was to see if you would stand the test and be obedient in everything.
2 Corinthians 2:9
This team is going out to do what God has called them to do, share the gospel, regardless of how they are received.  They are standing the test and are being obedient in everything.

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