Monday, June 8, 2015

Sunday Worship Service

The team gathered early for church and decided to practice the hymn they were going to sing in the worship service.  The service was suppose to start at nine.  We arrived about 8:45 so there was not any one there yet but the pastor and couple of others.  I enjoyed listening to these young people singing "Open The Eyes To My Heart Lord" which by the way is one of my favorite hymns especially when it is song in Spanish.  They sang it in English and Spanish. 
So folks started to arrive to the worship service and the church slowly filled up with folks ready to worship the Lord.  The first hymn of the morning was "Because He Lives".  I saw the group smiled as they sang along in English.  The next hymn brought back memories of my own two daughters growing up in church, "Pass It On".  Then another all time famous hymn, "Praise Him, Praise Him".  Pastor Juan Baustica shared a "short" devotional from Mark 10:17-24.  He encouraged his church family to give all they have to the Lord because it was His to start with.  Out of Proverbs 30:8-9 reads give us only our daily bread.  God does provides our daily needs more than we probably truly need.  If we have we need to share our abundance with the less fortunate.  I found this  a very interesting devotional.
The team got up to sing "Open The Eyes To My Heart Lord" in Spanish first then English then Spanish one last time.  The congregation joined in with them as they sang it in Spanish.  It was a beautiful time of worship at this moment in church.  
 We led into the testimonies of our young people.  Thank you Kevin, Kaitlyn, Victoria and Austin from sharing how God has worked in each of your lives.  How amazing God is in all our lives and shows us all differently He is always there for each of us.  God is good all the time.  They were all raised in a Christian home but all took different paths to find their true personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  They all shared being raised in a Christian home does not make you a child of God.  YOU personally have to make the personal commitment then form a personal relationship with Jesus and live your own personal life for HIM.  Thank you for a beautiful testimony of how we should live out our lives as Christians.  This came from college students who exemplify their walk with the Lord.
Pastor Brian preached an amazing sermon on John 9:1-41, "Imagine Being Blind".    Jesus healed a blind man who had been blind since birth.  The Pharisees questioned the man on how can you see again.  The blind man shared who now could see it was the prophet who healed me with a handful of mud he made from sand and water.  Jesus shared with the man go home and wash your eyes and you will see.  Imagine for the first time seeing colors, the clouds in the sky, people and the trees around you.  For the first time in his life this man for the first time truly saw Jesus Christ for who HE was, His Savior.  The man saw for the first time with his heart.  The eyes of his heart were finally open to Jesus Christ.  This man of simple faith was asked a question by Jesus, "Do you believe in the Son of God?"  The man asked,  "Who is he?"  Jesus said, "You are looking at HIM."  This man of simple faith finally believed in Jesus.  This was the purpose of this man's life, being blind, so he could truly see not with his eyes but with his heart.  We as Christian need to keep our eyes open and focused on Jesus Christ daily through the reading of the Word and through prayer.  This man who healed the blind man can heal us as well.  This man, Jesus, died on the cross a brutal death for all to come to know and have eternal life.  If you are reading this today and do not know Jesus Christ and are seeing HIM through the eyes of your heart I pray for you now to receive the greatest gift of all, Jesus.  Thank you Pastor Brian for an amazing sermon.
John 9:1-41

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