Tuesday, June 23, 2015


For three days there was VBS in the afternoon.  Topher planned the outside activities which consisted of relay races with the boys and girls.  The team divided the age groups into two groups.  While the bible story and craft were going on inside of the church, Topher had the others outside for the relay races and soccer.  One afternoon Nita shared the story of the Good Samaritan.  Nita gathered several of the children from the audience of seventy five to participate in a skit on the Good Samaritan.  She had a soccer ball and explained to the children what to do during the skit.  There was some bullies who came along and took the boys soccer ball away and left him bruised and injured.  Different children individually came by the injured boy and walked pass him or right over him without helping him.  But there was one young man who stopped to help the boy and took him home to get him more help until his family could come and get him.  The children enjoyed being apart of the bible story and acting it out.  Thank you Nita for doing such a great job and taking the time to make this new and fun for the children. 
But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.
Luke 10:33

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