Friday, October 6, 2017

Everyone Working Hard

The children worked hard that first morning too. They chased after the little piglet who wanted to be in the middle of everything.  He ran across the tin roof from the boys as they continued chasing him.  Once they caught him they tied him to a rope and dragged him away from the project out of the way from others.  Of course the piglet was not happy at all with his new living conditions of the week.

The most impressive job of the week was the young girls bringing the water for the mescal from the river.  They carried the water up an embankment from the river to the blue barrel.  These young ladies made several trips daily to keep the barrel full of water.  This is one great thing among the rain storms we have been having lately.  The river was full of water which provided the means to mix the mescal daily because of God's provision, rain.  Thank you God for this provision for this family so they could get their home completed.  Praise God it did not cost them any money to get this water because of God's provision for them.  Water is delivered weekly for a cost if the families of this village get water.  So God is good all the time and all the time God is good.  There was enough water for the project as well as for the families to do laundry and other needs as well.

He covers the sky with clouds; he supplies the earth with rain.
Psalm 147:8a

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