This placed called El Limonal has brought a lot of love, laughter, learning to our North American friends. They loved on the children who brought them lots of laughter. But more importantly they learned so much from these little ones. They learned how to enjoy life with the simplest of things. They found pure joy in a hand game of clapping. There was not any toys in this village. So the children found fun in what was around them. They learned and were taught by the North Americans many different ways to clap their hands with lots of laughter in between. One of the team members shared how would our children be if all they had to do was play the clapping games. Can you imagine a child without a toy and still finding pure joy in their day. Joy is a word we as North Americans sometimes truly do not understand. It does not take stuff or material things to have pure and true joy. El Limonal did not have any material wealth but they sure had wealth of community and spiritual wealth as well. They are content with what they have and these smiles you see are genuine smiles from having very little material stuff in their lives. What kind of joy would you like to have? I believe I would rather have the joy of El Limonal over any kind of joy out there. Through all the muddy slimy roads and no running water there was still so much beauty all around us on a daily basis. What gives you joy in your life?

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