Monday, October 23, 2017

Lizard Soup

When teams come down interested in the culture and all they can embark and the word lizard soup comes up, either the team is 100 percent or not at all.  Well coming down the mountain we saw some on the road trip from the airport.  We joked about how it tasted like chicken soup.  We asked them would they like this to replace one of their meals one evening.  Immediately  everyone said of course.  So we asked Edwin the husband of Sevnoiva the lady who cooks for us to get us five and that is just what he did.  Our staff was so excited about this special treat, because this is a special treat for us Hondurans to get lizard soup.  I cannot tell you the last time we had 100 percent say yes to this delicacy.  So we all set down to a feast and partook of a very delicious  bowl of lizard soup.  All God's people shouted AMEN.  Thank you God for this amazing provision for the team.

"They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts."
Acts 2:46

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