Dr. John has orchestrated a dental team out of Jacksonville for the last three years. He prepares his team for the task at hand which is providing dental care for people who some have not ever been to a dentist. Dr. John's dental team is the only one we have coming each year. So when they arrive we are forever grateful and give God all the praise and honor for this provision. Also this team brings something of more importance and this is the Word of God. They gather each morning and each evening in God's Word which has been most beneficial for all of us. Their topics have been appropriate for the week they were having. Ms. Alice is in charge of the sign up sheet for devotionals and there was all the slots full but a couple so Ms. Alice filled in the gaps. As we journey into their week please note they started a closed their day in God's Word which is refreshing for Mike and I to have this opportunity to hear God's Word both morning and evening. As always we do a lot of praying here at Mt. Horeb. What a blessing it is to serve beside these beautiful and talented people of God. On the first morning Ms. Becky signed up for the morning devotional and this was definitely a God moment because she shared about our gifts and talents. She shared with her team how they would be sharing their gifts and talents in Pavana today. They will giving services today to people who they will not ever receive anything in return but a "Gracious" and a beautiful smile. God will say well done good and faithful servant. Now that God has given you these talents go and share them enthusically in the name of Jesus. As we set up yesterday it looked like total ciaos but it was orchestrated by our Heavenly Father and it was done to completion with God's grace.
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17
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