We were so excited when Danielle was able to bring her best friend of 16 years to Honduras with her. We want to welcome Rebecca to Honduras. Danielle shared each year about her experience to her best friend and this year Rebecca decided to come see for herself. Rebecca got it pretty quickly. Danielle had educated her enough over the last four years so a lot was not a surprise to her friend, Rebecca. But Rebecca shared you will not truly understand until you come here and see it, feel it, smell it, taste it and hear it for yourself. There are not words to describe what a life changing experience it is for anyone until you arrive hear and live it out for seven days. Rebecca worked beside her friend hard all week. She used a little bit of her Spanish skills and befriended one of Mercedes' daughters and children. She looked forward daily to going to the project and visiting with her new friend and watch her made her tortillas or just share smiles which Rebecca shared is an universal language. Danielle now has memories with Rebecca and they now can share and talk about their experiences together on a different level. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. They got the privilege one evening on doing a devotional together. Their devotion was on "Devotions". They shared there are five benefits to doing a daily devotion: 1. Grow Spiritually and spend time with the Lord, Psalm 16:11 and Psalm 29:2, 2. Get to know God, build a relationship with HIM, learn how to pray, Psalm 34:8 and Philippians 3:10, 3. Deeper understanding of the Bible and who God is by studying daily, Psalm 35:1-5, 4. Applying the Bible teaching to our lives daily, Romans 12:2 and number 5. is finding peace in the presence of our Lord, 1 Samuel 12:16. They shared at the end of their devotional time it takes time to do this daily. We have to carve out the time for the Lord in our busy lives. But why shouldn't we, He gave His only Son for a sinner like you and me. Do you find time for the Lord daily? If not and you are reading this today I challenge you to build the most important relationship of your life and that is with Jesus Christ.

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