Sunday, August 17, 2014

Danny Received Christ

The week started with the discussion of baseball.  One of the Hondurans, Danny, was asking questions about the sport baseball.  Danny worked mixing mescal with Derek most of the week but also laid blocks some with Ryan and the other team members.  As the week progressed they built a relationship with Danny around the sport of baseball.  Ryan asked Danny the most important question of his life time.  Did Danny have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Was Jesus His Lord and Savior?  Had he accepted Jesus Christ into his life?  Danny's answer was no and I am not ready.  Ryan shared he would pray for him as this is the most important decision of his life.  You are not promised tomorrow.  You may leave here today and die and where will you go.  Danny replied, "To Hell."  Ryan question him and ask is this what you truly want to live eternity in Hell.  Danny still said I am not ready.
So the week goes by and the entire team is sharing and praying for Danny to receive Christ.  The night before the dedication of their trip Ryan comes in with a huge stick.  He asked Mike could he borrow a machete.  The rest of us are inside playing cards while Ryan is out in the courtyard wildling away at this huge stick to form it into a baseball bat.  Danny really likes baseball Ryan says and I want to give him a baseball bat.  Ryan was encouraged to write something on the bat and he wrote Matthew 7:7  "Ask and you shall receive."  What a perfect gift for someone who is not ready to receive Jesus Christ.  The last morning Ryan, Pastor G, Pastor C and Elie asked Danny one more time is he ready to receive Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.  Tears were forming in his eyes as they rolled down his cheeks.  Tears Danny could not stop and he said I want Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  Mike and I arrived for the dedication to a joyous group of folks, "Danny accepted Christ."  All God's people said AMEN!!!!!  The angels in heaven were dancing and singing on this morning as we now have one more brother in Christ.  I walked up to Danny and said in Spanish, "Buenos Dias, mi hermano."  Danny with a huge smile returned the reply with a huge hug.  This is why the North Americans come to Honduras to share the gospel of Jesus Christ whether be through laying blocks, medicines or even a baseball bat. 

Words cannot describe what happened after the dedication.  You would of had to been there to receive the blessings from the first official baseball game on Mt Horeb.  The laughter which brought tears to many eyes was heard from miles around.  Both North Americans and Hondurans laughed from the bottoms of their stomachs.  Digno shared how his stomach was hurting from all the laughter.  Mike explained the basic rules of baseball to the Hondurans and the rest was just plan and simple entertainment.  Rest to sure there will be many more baseball games on Mt. Horeb in the future.  We knew there would be a futbol field and basketball court, but for sure there will be a baseball diamond.  Thank you one and all for making this teams last minutes on Mt. Horeb one to remember for many years to come.
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7

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