Wednesday, August 20, 2014

First day and Scaffolding

The team preceded to the project after their introductions and prayer.  Their first job was to put up the scaffolding.  They brought each piece to the foundation and putting it together just like a puzzle.  Once the ladies finished  helping  get all the pieces to the location they proceeded to bring the blocks into the foundation and placing where they needed to go.  This took the team quiet a while to get set up before laying the first block.  But with abundance of team effort this got completed in record time.  Oso our pet rock wilder helped Wilmur sift the sand for the mescal.  Immanuel, Wilmur and Jose, our bus driver mixed the mescal this week for the blocks being laid. Each day a neighbor from down the path came with his two oxen hauling sand/rocks up to the multi purpose building for the floor which was going in as the team was working on the dorms.  A lot of good stuff is going on this week in the name of Jesus.  The first day was particularly hot, very warm actually,  but the second day God provided an awesome overcast with a gentle steady breeze blowing all day.  Thank you Coats Baptist for your perseverance as each block kept going up and up and up. 
2 This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. 3 This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome.
1John 5:4          

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