Friday, August 8, 2014

Let's get it done in the name of Jesus

The two teams, Honduran and North Americans began the task at hand.  Some of the ladies began sifting the sand for the concrete floor that was to go in.  As well as the floor the stage had to be completed.  This team had several tasks going on all day the first day.  It  start it out rather slow but as the day progressed everyone found where they needed to be and what their task was for this day.  This team did not have a team coming in behind them to continue the job so they knew they had to work hard to complete what North Carolina Baptist Men had asked them to do through the guidance of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, build our second church in five years. The girls, Lizzy, Mary, Tabiatha worked hard sifting the sand and gravel for the floor God has taught us much about building a church and  has blessed us in many ways on what and how HE wants it done.  The team enjoyed the fellowship with the Honduran brothers and sisters as they work side by side and allowing the language barrier to be kicked to the curve. Mariah was able to use her knowledge of Spanish talking with the locals. Each team who comes through this ministry learns after the first couple of days the language barrier is not such a problem after all.  The love of Jesus Christ radiates throughout the project area where all they see is truly the love of Jesus.  They learned how the community came together to help each other out during this last week.  This community has been very busy blessing a lot of North Americans in this last couple of months.  Each team shares how they see the LOVE of JESUS and the JOY of JESUS shining through each Honduran on the job site.  They give tirelessly to whoever God puts in their path.  They never stop giving and loving others in the name of Jesus.  This took a lot of the folks away from their daily chores as they came daily to help finish their church.   They come together to help their neighbors build whatever it is they need 
and do it with love without grumbling.  How we could learn from the Hondurans on how to give tirelessly with a smile on our faces.
"And whatever we do, whether in work or deed, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God  the Father through Him."
Colossians 3:17

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