Thursday, May 25, 2017

We Had a Secret

Meida motioned me to come into Carla's kitchen for a minute.  Carla and daughter, Delsie were cooking up some balatas for breakfast.  Well Media shared with them this was my favorite Honduran breakfast.  They fixed me two balatas and they were so delicious.  We shared with Moses as he entered the kitchen.  We shared secret, secret and the children picked up on our little secret.  It actually became a big joke and we had fun thinking we were keeping the special breakfast a secret from everyone else.  Then here come Pastor Gorge as we stood there eating our balatas.  The children and I said, "It is a secret."  We had such a great time laughing and talking about our children and grandchildren.  I shared with Delsie I have a grandson the same age as Jason who loves to eat balatas too.  Jason ate three while is was standing there. 
Over Meida's shoulder "Donkey"  was listening and making his way to Meida.  All of a sudden "Donkey" jumped on Meida's shoulder and worked his way down her body to her hand.  Meida was petrified of "Donkey"  which had us all laughing.  This time with this lovely family was such a treat for me which I do not get very often.  I was able to go into someone's kitchen enjoy a delicious breakfast and some good laughter with some lovely ladies.  Thank you Meida for sharing this very precious secret with me.

A cheerful heart is good medicine
Proverbs 17:22

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