Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Worship with New Friends

This team was very flexible and was willing to go worship closer to the campus because of the road construction.  We chose to go to La Ero Blanco to worship with Pastor Pedro and his church family. We arrived with Pastor Pedro's precious smile as he was arriving to the church the same time we did.  Let me share a  little about this godly man.  He has been helping a fellow church member haul is block, cement and all the building materials for his new home God has allowed us to build next week.  He was probably exhausted because of where he and many neighbors hauled the materials.  It was down a narrow path and then up another path to get to the project sight.  Yet he opened his church home to us to day for worship. 
We started with the reading from Psalm 103:1.  There was greetings by a member of the church and an opening prayer.  The music was led by Pastor Pedro's oldest daughter, Stephanie.  We sang Victory in Jesus, and several praise hymns.  One of the teenage boys and Pedro's mother collected the offering. We were then blessed by the North American team who sang "Spirit of the Living God" in English and Spanish.  It was absolutely beautifully done.  After they completed singing Jan got up and sang a solo in Spanish.  The congregation was well pleased with these new found friends.  They took the time to learn these songs in Spanish and did an amazing job.  Jan led her team in learning these hymns.  Jan actually has self taught her self how to speak Spanish before coming down here to serve our Lord.
At this time Pastor Dexter got to share the gospel out of Matthew 14:13-21.  He started by sharing the disciples had a dilemma.  They were hungry and ready to eat after a long day.  But there was thousands of folks following them.  The disciples told Jesus do you want us to send them on their way so we can find us something to eat.  Jesus said "NO", "I want you to feed them".  Well the disciples were wanting the easy way out and send them on their way.  They did not want to be bothered.  They were thinking of only themselves.  Pastor Dexter shared how our thinking is way too small and we depend on ourselves and what we want to do or what we have on hand.  The disciples told Jesus how are we going to feed all these people, there are over 10,000 people and we only have two fish and five loafs of bread.  Jesus took what they had and produced enough food and had more left overs, 12 baskets full to be excite.  We want to tell God how we want to do things and He is suppose to listen to us.  When we rely on our own resources we never have enough and we run out very quickly.  God's resources never run out.  He supplies an over abundance for all our needs.  If we choose to use our own resources we do not have to rely on faith, we are not challenged and we do not get uncomfortable.  Pastor Dexter shared several examples from God's word on how the people of the bible relied on God's power to lead their way, Moses, Noah and Job just to name a few.  If these folks back them relied on God for all their needs then  who are we to say we do not need God's help. If we are believers in Christ HE is all we need on a daily basis to face whatever is put before us.  Why are we so timid to share this power and grace with others?  Are we afraid we might look bad in front of our friends?  Is the why we do not share this gift with others?  God is not limited on His power or even His thoughts.  He is always there for us in any situation.  We have to be willing to be obedient to His calling for our lives and follow Him and allow His almighty power, the Holy Spirit to dwell inside of us and go feed the 5,000 plus people who need to hear about Jesus Christ.  If you are reading this today and you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, He is not the center of your life and the power of above all power in your life, I pray you will receive or rededicate your life to Jesus.  Jesus is all we need to live a full and joyful life. 

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