The team arrived and set up the pews for worship which consisted of the work boards and plastic chairs provided by family and friends. The most precious item of all was when Edwin brought Pastor Larry the pulpit which was his family's best wooden table from out of there home. Wow this was a humbling moment and my God moment for this day. Julie was church greeter along with others as slowly people started showing up for their first time experience, a worship service. There had never been a Christian worship service in this area until this Sunday morning. God spared the rain long enough for us to gather and share the gospel. God also gave out a breeze as needed throughout the morning.

People continued to come to worship the Lord. We had all ages and God sent one man to church this day. One man came to hear about this man called Jesus. Pastor Larry was cleaning out an area in his office or closet not quiet sure where and came across a case of Spanish bibles. So he brought them along not knowing if they would be of any use. Every person this morning was blessed by one of those bibles Pastor Larry found one day while cleaning up his work area. There was also another problem Virgilia could not see to read. Several folks shared their eye glasses with to no prevail. But finally Alan walked over and ask her to try his and they were perfect. She could read God's word perfectly at that point. Each team member helped the people look up the scripture Pastor Larry was sharing on this bright and beautiful Sunday morning. These people were hungry for the Word of the Lord. As Pastor Larry preached on what is a Christian they were continuously reading the Word. They could not be enough of it. It was heart wrenching to see this for the first time. People who had not seen a bible before much less heard about "What Is a Christian". How many of us have bibles in our homes we never open up to read and are hungry to read it continuously . This was a very humbling experience for all of us that morning.

All church services has to have a nursery. This is another moment in church where my eyes watered up a little bit. Julie and Sandy saw the need to give a couple of mothers a break so they could hear the sermon and read the word. What servant hearts these ladies exhibited for the Lord. Then along came Alan and he assisted in the nursery as well. Everyone played a huge part in what was about to happen in Tapitoca.

Pastor Larry gave the invitation to anyone wanted to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Well Virgilia spoke up and said we all do. Pastor Larry gingerly answered her and shared this was an individual choice not a group choice. Each person has to want to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Virgilia could not decide this for the entire group. So Pastor Larry shared a little more and ask if anyone wanted to accept Christ to close their eyes and pray this prayer. So that day under the trees of Virgilia's home six people came to Christ. Six people will be spending eternity in heaven with Jesus Christ and God His Father. All God's people shouted amen.
After the service we encouraged everyone to come back the next day for another sermon at lunch conducted by Pastor Carlos. On this day four more came to Christ. So God led ten people to the Lord in Tapitoca. This is how the early church started with just a few people meeting in a home. While I know somewhat how they early Christians must have felt that day when the first church got started. These people in Tapitoca have a long road ahead of them because most the people up in Tapitoca are profound Catholics. Please pray as Pastor Carlos ministers to this new flock of believers and more will come to know Jesus Christ.
and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.
Acts 11:26
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--
Ephesians 2:8
However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.
1 Peter 4:16