While the roof was going up the ladies were working hard to get the area ready for a lady's bible study. These ladies moved those heavy walk boards they all team sit on to where they needed them tobe. They carefully worked hard together to make this little area cozy and ready to share in God's word with their fellow sisters in Christ. Also those who may not have known Jesus as their Lord and Savior. So when time for the Ladies bible study their area was ready to receive each of them.
Each year Bette and Karen feel led to do something special with the ladies of the community. So after the home dedication the ladies gathered under the trees to share about "SISTERS". As Karen was sharing about sisters Martha, Elsa's sister was busy helping her find all the scriptures in the bible. How amazing the topic Karen was sharing was being lived out right before them. A sister helping a sister. This is how Karen shared about SISTERS"
S - selfless which she referenced Hannah out of 1 Samuel
I - inspiring which she referenced Ruth out of Ruth 1:16
S - strong which she referenced the Proverbs 31 Woman
T - talkative which she referred to Luke 10:38-42
E - eager which she referred to Matthew 9:20-22
R - real which she referred to John 11:17-34
S - saved which she referred to John 8:3-12
What a beautiful story about Sisters. Thank you ladies for making this time at the end of such a special week even more of a blessing for all who got to participate. I challenge you all who are ladies reading this and are sisters in Christ to enjoy reading each reference share here today.

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