Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Julie Makes Tortillas

Julie came down ready to live. learn and love this culture of Honduras.  She ask if she could watch Senovia make tortillas.  Well before I could turn around Julie was making the tortillas with Senovia.  Julie got her hands damp from the bowl of water and off she went.  The first one went on the hot griddle rather well but as she continued the process Ms. Julie got better and much better.  Julie helped make the tortillas for lunch that day.  Senovia was kind and patient with Julie.  They made a beautiful team on this bright and cheerful morning.  Thank you Julie for going the extra mile and learning a little about the life of a lady in Honduras.  Senoiva gets up each morning comes to work and the first thing she does is makes the tortillas fresh for the day.  This is another extra perk from Mt. Horeb Ministry Campus. 

They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
Acts 2:42 

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