This week God sent us to a new area where we were able to serve Him. We worked with five pastors from the San Lorenzo area. There names were as follows Pastor Jose Martinez from Iglesia Bautista Beatel, Pastor Deris Duarte from Iglesia Camiro de Vida, Pastor Santos Maldorrado from Iglesia Bautista Ana Star, Pastor Jose Luis Enceda from Iglesia Bautista Alfa y Omega and Pastor Fedevia Ramirez Zambrouo from Iglesia Bautista Cristo Viene We set up the dental clinic at the Baptist Associational building in Sunoeste, Honduras.. What a blessing from God. The facility was huge and spacious. The dental team has never had it so good. As the day progressed into more days there came opportunities with those many blessings of comfort. The first day the power goes out for quiet some time. The team continued their work as planned without a hitch. Several pieces of equipment malfunctioned also during this same day. The compressor acted up a little bit. But after all was said and done on their ride home God blessed them with His promise, a rainbow. What a beautiful way to end a challenging day. God's promise for us, His love for us and His protection for us. God is so good all the time and all the time God is so good. All God's people shout AMEN!!!!

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