Each day was started in a devotional and prayer before the team heads out to serve our Lord. They also ended each day in God's word, God moments and prayer. Also in the evening the team each if felt led share their personal testimonies. This was an inspiring week in praising the Lord at the beginning of our days and closing out our day with our heavenly father. Several of the team members shared some astounding devotionals, almost became a sermon. We felt we had truly worshiped the Lord each and every time we gathered around the table. Actually each time we pulled the tables together had just blessed us with our physical food. Our God provides for us in abundance whether it be in food or HIs Word.
Susan shared an outstanding devotional on UNDAUNTED. The word daunted means to feel intimated or apprehensive. So if we are undaunted we are not intimated or we do not feel apprehensive. Have you ever felt underqualified, too scared or didn't think you had enough money to do what you have been called to do. Or maybe you are scared of what others may say. If we allow others to tell us we are not adequate enough or maybe we do not qualify to do something we will limit what God wants to do with us. We may look unqualified to the world but God cares more about our willingness than our qualifications.
God chooses us to do something for HIM despite our failures, limitations and our inadequacies. As we look in the bible God has chosen the most unlikely and unqualified people to fulfill His plan and His purpose on earth. Here are some of the unqualified God chose to further His kingdom here on earth:
Abraham was very old -Genesis 17 and Genesis 24:1
Sarah was impatient - Genesis 16
Noah got drunk - Genesis 9:20-27
Miriam was a gossiper - Numbers 12:1-2
Jacob was a cheater - Genesis 25:27
Jonah ran away - Jonah 1:3
David had an affair - 2 Samuel 11:12
Elijah was moody. One minute bold and courageous and the next fearful on the run - 1 Kings 18
Peter had a temper - John 18:10
Paul was a persecutor - Acts 8:3, 9:1-2
Martha was a worrier - Luke 10:40-41
Thomas doubted - John 20:24-26
Zacchaeus was short - Luke 19:3
Lazarus was dead - John 11:14-44
When God calls us to do something or to go somewhere he doesn't ask us to wait until he removes all of our dangers or takes away all of our fear. He simply says "believe and go with me."
How many times do we tell God we cannot do it because we think we are not qualified. This is similar to the Good Samaritan story If we do not cross the street, show compassion to others without reaping some benefit from it, we simply do what Jesus would have done, show compassion and do not cross over to the other side of the street. We need to show compassion as did the Good Samaritan. How can we reach out to twenty seven million people? If we would cross the street to reach at least one what an amazing place we would be living in. Jesus never asked us to go at it alone. He will be with us every step of the way. His Word promises us He will never leave us nor forsake us.
On the last morning Jonathan, age 18, challenged us all to take what we learned hear and share it back home. We did an activity which consisted of one sheet of paper and we were to write on this piece of paper one word to describe our week and after this word write the word love. Everyone wrote inside the box Jonathan drew on the paper except for Mike. He wrote his word and the word love outside of the box. Jonathan shared how we all got outside the box by coming here and it is easy to share the love of Jesus with these beautiful people because they are so receptive of hearing the gospel. We need to take what we did here home to our work places, our schools, our homes and our community. It does not need to stop here. God's love needs to be shared all around the world. He drew another item where you start by taking in Jesus into your life and then you climb up a ways to being a witness for Jesus in our daily lives which is the longest and hardest to do, then you climb up some more to you are chasing God's hearts' desires and finally at the end of your journey you will have eternal life with HIM. Jonathan read Proverbs 9:10 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."
Another day Dawana shared an amazing devotion about being unqualified for the work of the Lord. He wants us unqualified so he can develop us into his perfect mold which is what Pastor Demis shared one evening as well, about letting the potter mold us and make us into HIS creation.
This group brought some amazing times of sharing in God's word each morning and evening time of devotions. This team came prepared to share their personal testimonies before arriving to Honduras. There was a lot of time and effort put into the spiritual part of their journey here in Honduras. Thank you all for presenting God's Word daily.

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