Monday, July 1, 2019

Morning Duties

Each morning these folks got up early to fix a breakfast for champions.  Bacon, eggs, grits, pancakes and tortillas for those who wanted it.  They took turns rotating every other day.  One morning they even had some French toast maybe it was two mornings they had French toast.  This group did not go hungry.  There is a rule here at Mt. Horeb you eat all you want but eat what you put on your plate.  Dear sweet Rebecca came to me the first morning and shared I took too much and could not finish it.  I hollered for Carson to finish up about three bites of pancakes for Rebecca.  Yes I said three bites.  We do not waste anything here because we are so blessed to have food to eat.  Amen y amen.

After breakfast Gatorade and water coolers were made.  They were placed at the curb of the porch ready to be picked up by the Kia.  Nick and Carson loaded the truck daily with Mr. Mike as along came Pastor Randy as you can see below on the second day when the boards were extremely heavy. Everyone pulled their weight on this team this week and were unified in the name of Jesus.

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