Thursday, August 1, 2019


Tuesday morning we got blessed with homemade Baladeas.  Ingrid came in about thirty minutes earlier this day so she could make the homemade baladea shells.  Now this was a breakfast of champions.  Everyone made their Baladeas differently but it all tasted good.  Everyone was able to eat two to three of them as they so desired.  This was just the beginning of delicious meals at Mt. Horeb.  Later for dinner they had the special treat of Garrobo soup.  Alexia brought in five on Monday but we waited until Tuesday to enjoy this delicious treat.  God blessed us this week with some great opportunities to indulge in the culture of fine eating.  Team member Bobby enjoyed himself on Sunday at the local Honduran restaurant with Sopa de Mondongo.  Bobby is the very first North American in our ten years who ate Sopa de Mondongo and he cleaned out this bowl on Sunday and on Tuesday as well.  He got every last bit of meat on those bones in that soup as he was the last one leaving the table from dinner.  Hopefully this time next year the North Americans will be blessed to be able to purchase a cookbook from the gift shop with all these delicious recipes in them. But it is like team member Susan shared it just does not taste the same at home as it does in that dining hall on Mt. Horeb.

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