Friday, August 16, 2019

Welcome to Orocuna

We drove through this quant little town not knowing what all God had in store for us this week.  We have not ever come here to share in an evangelism team.  This is our first visit to Pastor Hector's church.  Pastor Hector has a huge mission field right here in Orocuna.  It is a predominantly Catholic community and as we all know it is hard to convert someone into being a follower of Jesus Christ.  Their faith is based on family commitment not to their Lord and Savior.  Some of the profound Catholics do not even know where they are going to go when they die.  They think Hail Mary will take care of them and if they work really hard and not be bad they will get into Heaven.  Sadly this is not the case in those who follow Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.  We are saved by His Grace and Mercy and it is a free gift without any works involved.  So this week we were blessed and privileged to come along side of this church to share the love of Jesus with a lost and dying community.  This team was prayed up prepared up and cover with the armor of God for what journey lied ahead for each of them.

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