Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Small Group with Great Potiential

I would love to welcome back Ray, team leader along with Kim who came last year and came all the way from California this year where she just moved to three weeks ago.  Really, if you want to come to Honduras you can make it happen.  Kim came even with her and family driving cross country from North Carolina to California three weeks ago. Along with our two returnees are some new and amazing friends from the church Catalyst out of Jacksonville, North Carolina,  Welcome Phil, Mike, Burt, Steve and Erica.  They all came on board ready to serve their Lord.  Interesting fact about these folks is they are either chairman of deacons, a deacon or a pastor's wife.  They lead their church by example of a fervent service to their Lord and it showed all week in Honduras.  The word fervent means to serve with passion, intensity, sincerely and heartfelt.  This week all these adjectives radiated in the lives of each of the seven people who came to serve their Lord.
They prayed fervently daily for each other and their time here serving.  They enjoyed fellowship time making breakfast each morning and making sandwiches for lunch each day.  They enjoyed laughter while washing and drying their dishes.  They were willing and able to help make the Gatorade and water coolers along with loading the truck each day.  They were fervent servants of God this week. Erica's devotional one evening was on the fervent servant.  This group was anything but lukewarm this week.  They were all in totally for whatever God needed for them to accomplish in His name. Erica shared how we should bring our all to him and this is exactly what Ray's team from Catalyst Church did all in the name of the Lord. 
So I challenge us as Christians today to be fervent in the Lord.  Let's get out of our comfort zone and serve Him with all of us not part of us but our entire being. Let's give God our all. Please go out and be zestful for Christ Jesus if you are one of His children, go out and make disciples to all nations just like this group did this week.

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