Wednesday, April 17, 2019

God Bless Honduras

Rudy was so gracious and shared with Mike and I to please do not feel we have to go back up to the church on Sunday because he knew the team would have a very long day the next day plus with it being "Holy Week" starting on Sunday it would not be a very good idea.  So we inquired with Pastor Carlos if we could come to church with him which was not that far and would not take us into town at all.  So that afternoon, maybe the fourth day of project, Rosemary, Amanda, Robin and I were sitting on the porch of the pulperia drinking our Frescas enjoying our afternoon.  I knew we needed to something about lunch on Sunday because of it being the beginning of Holy Week.  Amanda spoke up and said can we cook lunch here.  I said of course.  So us ladies planned out a menu for Sunday around five and off we went with an amazing Sunday afternoon of rest and preparing a scrumptious lunch.  We had Baladas for breakfast so they ate a light lunch saving up for their big supper.  Worship time was amazing with Pastor Carlos as he shared basically what is most important this Easter week coming up to be at the beach where there is drinking, dancing and cussing or being in the house of the Lord where we can praise HIM for sending HIS SON to die for you and me. Which should it be, the beach or church. Pastor Carlos shared with us, for him it would be worshiping Jesus who died for me with others and being compassionate about his relationship with Jesus because HE DIED FOR YOU AND ME!!!!!  Why are we not more compassionate and sharing Jesus with this lost and dying world.  One day it will be too late, today is the day to celebrate Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and to  share it with our lost and dying world.  What a profound message from a humble and quiet man.  Robin shared she would have never dreamed these words would come out of such a quiet and humble man.  Well when you are compassionate about something you will get excited as Pastor Carlos is so excited about his Lord and Savior.  Today as you are reading this and we are celebrating Jesus our Risen Savior are we as compassionate about Jesus as our very own Pastor Carlos.  Are we eager to share Jesus back home like was shared here in Honduras.  Today could be the birth of a new brother or sister in Christ.  So please do not let an opportunity pass you by and not share the greatest gift of all Jesus with someone.  You may keep them from going to Hell for eternity.  
Thank you Jesus Christ for dying for me and thanking for walking out of that tomb three days later so I along with all my brothers and sisters in Christ may have eternal life.  But today it is my and every other Christian out there to go and share this great day with others.  All God's people said AMEN y AMEN.

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