Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Phenominal Devotion Time

Mike assigned team members early on to be prepared to share in a devotional.  Each person came prepared in sharing of God's Word.  Some of them edited their devotionals in alignment with how their week was unfolding.  There was times where tears flowed and where there was some intense discussion on God's Word and how it applied to their week.  We have always said the Bible unfolds and is lived out daily here in Honduras.
The first evening team leader, Mike challenged his team with scripture out of Romans 12:1-16.  He challenged them to be open to feel, be vulernable, pray together, observe how the Hondurans have true joy in their lives and be ready there is a lot here for our team to take away.  We are all in different walks with the Lord.  We all came with our own spiritual gifts to glorify God.  We will learn to live in harmony with one another this week through our prayers with each other and being obedient to what God has called us all to do serve HIM.  If you allow it peace and true joy will be found here this week.
Bert encouraged his new team members with Matthew 25:31.  Compassion (love) is a word (verb).  What does a home mean to the Perez family.  It means a lot different than what it may mean to you or me.  But it will be a place of security and dryness, it will be their mansion.  But this is not our permanent home, our permanent home is eternity.  Our goal on this earth is to live our lives for eternity not for this place.  The Lord is going to be our dwelling place.  The Lord is always with us, we cannot hide from Him. Final note from Bert, "This day affects 'That Day'".  Amen y amen!!!
Chris' devotional was on prayer.  There are many kinds of prayers.  Prayer should be an adventure for us.  Pray for everyone you meet each day, he challenged his team to do this, pray for everyone you meet daily.  What a challenge.  What if it is someone whom you do not care for?  What if you do not trust this person?  Yes we are to pray for whoever we come in contact with no matter what our thoughts  my be on this person.  Pray this person up!!!!  What an amazing opportunity and how our world would be a better place if we prayed instead of complained or gossiped about someone. Chris shared if we do not pray that would be equivalent to defeat.  Chris' devotional challenged all of us to put more time into prayer and see how God will work in our lives.  Amen y amen!!!!
Trevor brought the message the following night out of Luke 6:46.  Trevor shared we will have storms in our lives.  Will we be prepared to walk through the storm with the help of Jesus Christ.  We need to do whatever the Lord calls us to do on this journey of life.  Will it be easy?  Probably not but if we are grounded in His Word and live our lives for Him daily we will be prepared for whatever storm comes our way. Trials come from the Lord to help build us up into who He wants us to become for His Kingdom.  Trevor also referred to James 1:2-4, 12 to encourage when there is trials or storms in our lives.  God's Word is always the place to be for all our answers.  
Gloria shared Psalm 23 which was a great follow up from Trevor's devotional the previous night.  Gloria went through some storms in her life as we all do but each night before laying her head on her pillow she prayed Psalm 23 and she shared Luke 9:59 as words of encouragement to all of us who face trials and storms in our lives.
Richard shared out of Matthew 22:34 about our love for God first, then our neighbor. We can "act" kind to others but unless we are in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ we truly cannot love others as God has loved us.  This love is called AGAPE.  Richard shared Matthew 19:19 "Honor your father and mother and love your neighbor as yourself"  This is only done through AGAPE. Lastly Richard shared 1 Corinthians 13 the famous chapter on Love.  In church Sunday morning after Richard shared his devotional Saturday night, Mike preached on this very chapter in the Bible, Matthew 22:34 on loving God first and then others.  How big is our God, bigger than we will ever imagine.  Ginger was sitting behind Richard in church when Mike asked us to turn to Matthew 22:34, Richard simply shook his head in awe of how amazing God is and we saw this throughout the entire week.  
Thank you everyone who prepared and shared God's Word this week.  Mike and Ginger felt like they were in a revival, a much needed one at that.  Mike and Ginger are so grateful for each of you.

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