Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Rudy and Hilsi's Home Dedication

What an amazing act of love provided each one who participated in this home dedication.  Amanda opened it up with a prayer of dedication to these two young people unto the Lord.  She prayed God would be the center of this home in all they said and did up on this mountain.  Their home would radiate the love of Jesus with whoever walked through the front door. The next one up was our first time friend Jon who shared out of 1 Corthinians 13 about the chapter on true love.  Thank you Rosemary and others who the day before sat down helped plan out the details of this heart warming home dedication.  Jon prepared his heart and his mind for his turn in the dedication.  I looked over at him on the pulperia porch and he was reading the entire chapter of 1 Corthinians 13 to make sure he was ready to give God his very best.  He shared how their marriage will be built on the Word of God which he was holding the Bible in his hands as he was sharing.  There will be ups and downs but God would always be with them.  He read 1 Corinthians 13 to them and presented them with their family bible which every one signed and put their favorite bible verse.  David stepped forward and presented them the cross which our very own carpenter Mr. Dana carved out to perfection.  David shared the cross represents our salvation in Jesus Christ and we can always put our sins at the foot of the Cross to be forgiven.  Rudy received this gift ever so gingerly and held it like it was a new born baby. 
Telfair stepped forward to share some Words out of Luke 6:46-49 and Joshua 24:15.  The words of encouragement which parted Telfair's lips was most humbling as he encouraged them that they have built their home on the rocks, literally on the rocks.  So they have established their foundation in Jesus Christ early on as a young couple.  What a testimony this is for all of us.  This young couple started out their home with Christ at the center of it.  They were raised in church together as children and fell in love as young adults and after six years they are going to become one in Christ.  Thank you Rudy and Hilsi for reminding us all what true love for each other looks like and how quietly you exhibited each day on the project.  Your love for each other radiated that mountaintop for all to see.

Telfair allowed Rudy to share a few words for he and Hilsi.  Earlier that morning I pulled Meida aside along with Rudy and Hilsi to let them know the layout of their home dedication.  I looked at Hilsi this is about you today and Rudy.  Yes I know you are quiet the shy one but today you will be the center of attention.  We do not expect you to say anything but I then turned and looked at Rudy to say you are fixing to be the head of your family and I do expect you to say a few words to everyone at your home dedication.  Rudy with his sweet sheepish smile looked at me with those big brown eyes and said "Okay Jefe, I will speak for the two  of us."  They are both quiet and shy people.  Actually the entire family is shy and very quiet.  So I knew I had to prepare Rudy what was fixing to unfold at the completion of their home.  So when Telfair added the special twist to the service and placed his hands gently upon their shoulders and started praying over their lives as a godly couple and not over the home that was all God's ordained plan for to people who are humble at heart and gentle in spirit.  As I looked out over the congregation during the service there was not too many dry eyes.  Even Telfair's little man joined in on the dedication.  He could not be away from Hilsi long enough for her home to be dedicated.  He went and stood with her and Rudy.  One day these two are going to be such awesome godly parents and raise their children to love the Lord just as they do.

Doug was asked to present the key to the lovely couple.  Doug got up there and shared an amazing story of the love of his life.  He shared out of Genesis 2:24 for a man will leave his mother and become one with his wife.  Well Doug just about married them off right there on the front step of their new home.  Doug did a phenomenal job sharing about marriage and how there will be good days and bad days. Doug shared to never go to bed angry.  I felt like I was reliving my wedding vows and needed to rededicate my marriage right there on the spot.  Doug soft gentle voice portrayed the message with eloquence and grace.  Once he was finished with his message he passed along the key to Rudy to open up his new home.  Welcome home Rudy and Hilsi.  Rudy made one profound comment which we all could learn from in North America, "We will not move in until we are officially married to one another."  Amen y amen.  We could learn so much in North America from a simply but godly couple raised in a mountaintop village called Las Uvas.  So once Rudy gets all the money he needs for a civil wedding this will take place.  Stay tune for the next blog when we have our first Honduran wedding on Mt. Horeb!!!!!

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